Monday, June 30, 2008

heading into the city again...

just wanted to keep everyone updated:

i will be heading into the city again -- this time for an cat scan and a meeting with a psychologist, then ill be meeting some friends out for dinner. everything is going extremely well and i believe after the results today (providing that everything turns out normal) we schedule for surgery.

i told my mom this weekend (i saw her because i went home for my little sister's HS graduation **YAY for her!! she will be attending johnson and whales in RI in the fall** my parents just moved to indiana in may, so i don't see them as often as i'd like because i'm still living in NY) and my mom took it SO WELL!! she said she was so proud of me for doing this and is inspired and in awe of my bravery and courage. i think it is wonderful that my mom had such a great reaction. i think i was freaking out over nothing-- i was so worried to tell her, that she would try to talk me out of it because she didn't want to put my life at risk. but i should have known that she was going to be so understanding; both her and my grandmother were very very very giving and loving people. not a day goes by where i don't thank them for showing me how to be gracious, loving, giving and thoughtful towards others. my halmoney was, hands down, my biggest inspiration to do this and i am so grateful that i have a supportive, loving family who is behind me 300%. my mom and dad want to come and stay with me a 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the surgery (for a total of 1 month). i knew that my mom would want to be there for it-- but i didn't think she would want to come for such a long time. i'm so lucky to have great parents who will be there for me. not everyone can say they are this lucky.

anyway, i have to go out and run errands before i jump on the train to manhattan. ill write later tonight to let everyone know how the appointments went.


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