Thursday, June 26, 2008

a small sign of my gratitude... :)

i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read about my personal story, answer my poll, read more about kidney donation and spread the word. 

but mostly, i want to thank all of those who have offered me love: a place to stay before, during and after the surgery, kind hearts that have offered to come take care of me, get me things, run my errands, drive me around, stay with me, sleep next to me and love me. it honestly has touched my heart at the number of people who have offered their help and kindness during my journey-- just to make sure i am okay and well taken care of. it is amazing to see so many people who want to help and get involved, so i want to thank you for it :)

i think this step in my life has shown so many people that even little things that we take for granted can touch someone in such a strong way - kind hearts run far. i think we should all take the opportunity to appreciate life; i am healthy, loved, strong, brave, literate, able and learning. what can you say you appreciate from life? life is a gift and whether you believe in God or not, we should be thankful for it. [[i don't mean to preach, haha, but it is really true.]]

think about that next time you get mad at someone, the next time you get angry at a petty situation or the next time life has given you an opportunity - appreciate it and embrace it! 

my life is mine, and I LOVE IT! 


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