Friday, August 08, 2008

uh oh...

last night, i kept waking with a sharp pain on the left side (the side where the kidney was removed). i was half awake/half asleep -- so i didn't think anything of it in the middle of the night and fell back asleep. but when my alarm went off this morning, i was laying in bed for a few moments, and i had that same kind of pain. it is in my back, lower left side... and now every time i breathe in deeply or yawn, its a really sharp pain, like someone is stabbing me with a knife.

i called the doctor to see if it is something to be concerned about-- but of course he didn't answer, so i am waiting for his returned call.

anyway-- hopefully it is nothing! :)

regardless... its frrrrridayyyyyyyyyy !!


i just got a call back from the doctor... he said that when they take out the kidney, they have to cut the nerves. the pain may be due to the nerves regenerating. however, if it continues for a few more days or gets more intense, i am to go in right away.

i will keep you posted about what happens :)

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